Communitas needs your valued support

Communitas logoAnyone who attended our Annual General Meeting last May will have heard the news that our funding
for the past 5 years from the Ministry of Public Safety has come to an end.

At the same time our historical financial support from Aumonerie Communitaire de Montreal (ACM) has
also been cut as the Correctional Services of Canada (CSC) decided to stop funding Community

As these were our only recurrent sources of funding, it has left us in the position of depending on
donations from our membership and the general public.

The Communitas Board of Directors is of course actively seeking other possible means of stable financial
support, however we would like to encourage any and all support from our members at this time of

In addition to our annual funding drive in December, we receive sporadic donations from individuals
who come across our work and decide to support it, or who hear about us from friends and/or family
and like what we are doing.

I would like to propose that anyone who wishes to increase their financial support to Communitas do so
by becoming a monthly supporter via our Canada Helps account.

It could be signing up to donate as little as $5 per month. The fact that it is monthly would allow us to
know in advance how much we can count on. Already we have five (5) donors who have independently
decided to contribute in this way, and it is a big help.

In case you are wondering what practical things your funding would support, we have restarted our
Open Door and Table Talk programs inperson, and so are again spending to purchase food and drinks
after a hiatus due to Covid lock downs. We also have our recurrent costs for rent and
telecommunications although both of these have been considerably reduced with our move last year
to new offices in the Undercroft of Christ Church Cathedral.

Last but by no means least are the cost of our 2 parttime staff members without whom we would not
be able to accomplish as much.

Our deep gratitude to all the many persons who are already giving generously of their time and their
money to support our work, and be assured that we have already made it through 22 years and will
make it through this hardship as well with your help.

President, Communitas