November 4, 2024
Re: Communitas Annual Appeal
To our dear friends and supporters,
We are coming to the end of 2024 and Communitas has much to report on!
Open Door. Open Door held its first Art Fair and Auction fundraiser in October. Prisoners, ex-prisoners and community members donated their art and the auctioneer had us bidding away! The surprise arrival of a few VIPs added even more shine to the evening, and over $6,500 was raised for Communitas!
We’re always exposed to new and exciting ideas at Open Door. The evening continues to grow with 39 new attendees joining since April, including 10 new ex-inmates or inmates escorted to the meeting.
Table Talk. Every Friday at noon, Communitas hosts a free hot meal at our offices. Attendance has been very good with 19-25 people showing up for lunch every week. Enthusiastic and inventive volunteers prepare meals with a variety of meat, vegetarian, salad and dessert dishes and the buzz of lively conversation can be heard as one enters the Undercroft. Everyone chips in to do the dishes, put away chairs and ensure that the premises are ship shape.
Chapel Activities. We have been blessed to have two CSC Chaplains, Benoit and Constantin, step up and sponsor us, allowing Chapel activities to resume once a month at both Montee St-Francois and Archambault Minimum Security prisons. Chapel continues twice monthly at FTC Medium Security institution with Chaplain Sabrina’s sponsorship, where attendance by prisoners is frequently in the high teens.
One-on-one Pastoral Accompaniment. We have increased our one-on-one pastoral visits to incarcerated men from two to four persons. In addition to providing pastoral support, this is an opportunity to identify men wishing to have a Circle of Support and Accountability (CoSA) when they are released.
As we start our 2024 annual fundraising drive, Communitas welcomes your donations for our activities. This is particularly relevant as we receive no Government funding, leaving us wholly dependent on donations from our members and supporters.
Donors can choose among three ways to contribute: (1) the DONATE button on our website www.communitasmontreal.org; (2) via e-transfer to [email protected], (3) cheques can be mailed to our office at 1444 Union Avenue. We issue tax receipts for donations of $20.00 or more.
We strongly encourage you to become a monthly contributor. This assists with our long-term planning, especially as we continue to envision serving a greater client base.
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all members, supporters and well-wishers for your financial and moral support, without which our work could not succeed.

Michele Rattray-Huish,
President Mouvement Communitas Inc.
1444 Union Avenue,
Montreal QC, H3A 2B8
Tel: +1 514 244 6147