Almost 40 years ago Joe Mell founded Maison Cross Roads. In 2011, the organization decided to show its appreciation for its founder by establishing an award to commemorate Joe Mell’s name. This year, Maison Cross Roads decided to recognize Communitas for its 25 years of service to the community.
Below are the opening remarks by Merris Centomo:
Good evening, everyone, and welcome. My name is Merris Centomo. I am the Executive Director of Maison Cross Roads.
We are gathered here to highlight the exceptional contribution of Communitas over the last 25 years in assisting with the social reintegration of the Anglophone prison population. Communitas’s founder Mr. Peter Huish and his team of engaged volunteers have dedicated decades to their work with offenders through chaplaincy services, their weekly group called Open Door, the Circles of Support and Accountability, and much more.
Communitas is a truly volunteer-driven, grassroots organization. They aim at trying to create an integrated and crime-free Montreal. Maison Cross Roads has witnessed over the last decades the support offered by Communitas to our clients and we are thankful for their contribution.
Their volunteers come from a variety of backgrounds, but each of them comes to Communitas as a concerned, caring fellow citizen.
In 2011 Maison Cross Roads created the Joe Mell Award. Mr. Mell is the founder of Maison Cross Roads almost 40 years ago. As well, he dedicated much of his life to supporting individuals in conflict with the law as well as their families.
In honor of Mr. Mell, it is with great pride that Maison Cross Roads has chosen to present the Joe Mell Award to Communitas Montreal for 2024.
Yes, there was a grateful acknowledgment of the award by Communitas’ President Michele Rattray-Huish. That response can be found on Communitas Facebook page in the coming days. In short, it was humbly accepted, but with enormous joy to a nice crowd that included a score or so of Communitas directors and volunteers.
• Bravo Joe Mell
• Bravo Maison Cross Roads
• Bravo Communitas.
There were a lot of smiles. Lots of laughter, and people getting to know each other – even more. It is important to remember the positive impact of small community-focused organizations. It is easy to overlook these small groups in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. However, the impact is crucial to keep us in community with each other. Kindness matters, always.
Congratulations to the volunteers who help make Communitas so special.