Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA) involve small, committed groups of everyday citizens working to support the safe reintegration of high-needs individuals with histories of sexual offending.
Circles meet on a regular basis to discuss the needs of the “core member”, provide assistance with a variety of re-entry challenges, and maintain accountability. Several studies show CoSA to be an extremely effective means of reducing further offenses following release, and is recognized as such by Public Safety Canada.
Now a Canada-wide program, Communitas introduced CoSA to Quebec in 2000 and has provided circles for over 50 individuals since. This past year, Communitas organized over 200 circle meetings, involving over 800 volunteer hours.
We have participated in two nation-wide evaluation projects funded by the federal government, including the CoSA National Capacity Project which runs from 2017-2022. We are also a founding member of CoSA Canada—a national organization which facilitates CoSA’s development across Canada.
Using the same model, Communitas also offers Reintegration Circles for individuals with a history of non-sexual offenses.