Restorative Justice Week in Montreal — Nov. 17-25, 2019


National Restorative Justice Week this year takes place from Sunday, November 17, until Friday, November  22.  Communitas will be taking part in activities along with our sister organizations in the Montreal area.  We strongly encourage you to attend one or many of the planned activities listed below.

Sunday, November 17

11 am: Beginning of RJ week at St. Joseph’s Oratory
Salle Pichette, St. Joseph’s Oratory (Montréal)
11 am: Liturgy in the Crypt
12:30: Lunch
1:30 – 4 pm :
RJ witnessing (CSJR – in French)
Writing and collage workshop on the theme: Cultivating our Collective Gardens
Hosted by the partners of the Montreal Community chaplaincy.
Registration: / 514 978-8881. Suggested contribution of $10 for the meal.

10 am: Art therapy Workshop
Hosted by the Montreal Museum of fine Arts and CSJR
2200 rue Crescent (Montréal)
10 am to 12-30 pm
Registration : [email protected] / 514 933-3737

Monday, November 18

7 pm: Reflection and discussion evening (in French) on the theme “From Social Transition to Restorative Justice”
Hosted by Centre justice et foi and CSJR
25 rue Jarry Ouest (Montréal)
Looking at examples of rebuilding the social and urban fabric by restorative means. For more information:
7 pm to  9:30 pm

Tuesday, November 19

6 pm: Presentation on restorative justice as part of the Victimology Certificate Program at the Universite de Montreal. For students only

6-30 pm:  Communitas RJ focus Group meets with members of the Anglican Christ Church Cathedral  (closed meeting)

7 pm: Communitas — Open Door
The discussion this week will be about a restorative approach to a Crime in the Community.
1444 Union (across the street from the Bay building)

Thursday, November 21

7 pm : Soirée Entrée Libre  (in French)
Maison ACM (2745, rue Charlemagne, Montréal)
Soirée conviviale d’échanges sur le thème de la justice réparatrice et de la dignité humaine, en présence de personnes actuellement incarcérées ou l’ayant été, de personnes ayant été victimes, et de bénévoles.

Friday, November 22

6 pm: Festive Closing of RJ week
2715 chemin de Côte Sainte-Catherine (Montréal)
Buffet, followed by an informal evening with music performed by Dominique, John-Ross, Mohammed and Isaac.
Hosted by: Montreal Community Chaplaincy, Conseil des Églises pour la Justice et la Criminologie, Corporation Jean-Paul Morin, Communitas, Relais-Famille, Cercles de soutien et de responsabilité du Québec, Présence Compassion, Maison Orléans, CSJR and Entrée Libre
Registration: / 514 978-8881. Suggested contribution of $10 (for the meal)